Make TPM Lean and Digital
  • Dates: As required
  • Location: 1 day on site
  • Cost: up to 10 delegates £1500

Discover the Power of Digitisation in Manufacturing. 

Although the initial returns from investments in shop floor systems can be significant, research reveals that the gains tail off without actions to adapt work processes to the new ecosystem.

It's not just about learning how to use the tech; the real gains come from connecting people and processes to make data work for you, not the other way around. For example moving from time based to usage/condition based Maintenance saves time but the real gains come from stabilising and extending component life. That involves engaging front line users with using the digital ecosystem to identify and deal with the causes of accelerated wear and human error that reduce component life by as much as 50%.

Digitisation changes the dynamics of day to day operation across the Plan, Source, Make and Deliver operations. It is a journey of discovery rather than a one shot silver bullet to fix all ills. A journey of systematic improvement that transforms the role of team leaders, planners, process engineers, quality assurance as well as front line production and maintenance personnel for the better to:

  • Enhance current plant effectiveness and workflow coordination,
  • Automate administrative tasks,
  • Enable high quality data analysis to systematically raise future performance.

In organisations that do this well, the transition is carried out by an internal improvement network where improvement teams, leaders and support personnel collaborate to develop and share best practices that stabilise and ratchet up performance.

This 1 day in house workshop provides a structured “plan the plan” session for internal stakeholders to raise awareness and map out the digisation journey using a blend of TPM and Lean principles to systematically:

  • Surface barriers to performance including legacy system weakness and rules of thumb to match priority issues with digital solutions,
  • Refine asset care and best practice workflows,
  • Adapt roles to support real time workflows and facilitate the development of capabilities,
  • Improve use of data to capture lessons learned and gain insights into causal factors,
  • Enhance collaboration and establish a proactive improvement culture,


This one day on site training workshop provides a "how to guide" for the movers and shakers of your existing or potential internal improvement network to work together to:

  • Identify the potential gains from Digitisation. 
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses against the practices of award winning and respected organisations.
  • Agree priorities for improvement and next steps to deliver those gains.
  • Develop a 90 day action plan to kick start the programme.

Contact us  to book a session for your organisation to raise awareness of what is possible and develop a plan to unlock the full potential of smart technology in manufacturing.

  • Overview

    Delivering the Gains 

    An important Leadership role is envisioning how the enhanced connectivity that  Smart Tech delivers, can change the way the business operates.   For example, before digitisation, the daily reporting routine in one food a drink manufacturer involved collation of information from 10 separate systems.  That took up 90 minutes of First Line Manager activity per shift. 

    Digitisation removed the need to do that and changed the daily priority for them from collecting data to using that data to develop the insight to improve future performance.  It also changed the nature of the conversations between first line managers and their teams from problem solving to problem prevention improving engagement and encouraging a proactive improvement culture.

    Workforce Engagement

    This course sets out how to deliver the gains from investment in Smart Technology by engaging users with activities to:

    • Encourage curiosity about how the new digital ecosystem can remove pain points, reduce waste and improve added value,
    • Convert ideas into of practical improvements whilst running the business,
    • Transition to new ways of working that increase customer value and support growth.

    Why Make TPM Lean and Digital 

    The goal of TPM is the never ending improvement in equipment effectiveness through front line improvement teams. It provides  practical road map to stabilise and optimise operations.  That can raise capacity, reduce costs, improve operational safety and reduce quality defects.  

    The value of Lean thinking its ability to systematically improve workflow to achieve all of the above with less effort.

    Together  TPM and Lean provide a roadmap to reduce waste and release the full potential of manufacturing plant and processes. 

    Combining that with the enhanced connectivity of Digitisation and Smart Technology, accelerates the pace of systematic improvement.

    What you will learn

    The course raises awareness of the Smart Technology Landscape to provide an overview of what is available as well as common pitfalls to avoid.  The content includes practical exercises leading to completion of a diagnostic workbook to identify strengths and priorities for improvement to support the successful introduction of Smart Technology and Digitisation projects.  That includes content to:

    • Understand the Smart Technology Landscape,
    • Identify the impact that Smart Technology can have on the current way of working and business model,
    • Recognise where that technology can enhance:
      • Ability to succeed in existing markets,
      • Provide a platform to progress into new markets
      • Create new markets and set the customer agenda,
    •  How to selecting the Smart Technology project to achieve the best outcome.

    That introduces delegates to how to:

    • Recognise and fix legacy system weaknesses,
    • Use data to systemise and enhance process control and workflows across the Plan, Source, Make Deliver value chain,
    • Establish a Smart Technology Roadmap programme as a vehicle to deliver profitability and growth.

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