Don't re invent the wheel. Use Lean and TPM principles and techniques to deliver gains from advanced technology. This short course provides an overview of how to do that and where to start.
It also includes activities to help you and your colleagues to identify barriers to progress and map out next steps to deal with them.
Successful adopters of advanced technology shown how this can deliver significant Quality, Cost and Delivery performance gains. In many cases this also releases new areas of customer value to raise the bar for customer expectations. Together, these gains have the potential to disrupt the business landscape making it harder for others to compete for customers and attract the best personnel.
While conventional wisdom might presume that delivering these gains requires a high levels of investment, leading organisations are achieving growth and higher productivity rates without the levels of costly investment which might have been required in the past.
The gains come from the improved connectivity provided by advanced technology. The outcomes include the creation of pragmatic workflows that accelerate gains from the use of Lean and TPM techniques to refine wasteful legacy work routines historically needed to deal with complex coordination of manufacturing resources.
The Digitisation of manufacturing management transforms the very nature of day-to-day operations by improving communications, allowing direct and indirect workers to focus on problem root cause identification and resolution.
At the heart of this programme is the engagement of cross functional improvement teams with clear objectives and effective collaborative working as part of the day to day operation. The enhanced connectivity also enables a closer integration of 3 improvement workflows into a Digital CI process to accelerate the delivery of gains from Lean and TPM principles and techniques.

Figure 1 Lean TPM Digital CI Process
In addition to the business gains, outcomes include higher employee engagement, focused training, skill development and improved problem solving capabilities.